Board Nominations

Board Nom

Voting is now open until October 2025

ACTFL Board Member Nomination Process

每年,除了当选总统外,ACTFL还会选举一般电子下注软件加入ACTFL董事会. The President-Elect position varies each year, 在K-12教育代表和高等教育代表之间. 我们鼓励所有在工会有三年以上良好信誉的电子下注软件申请(在工会有五年的服务和领导记录的候任主席). 提名委员会审查所有申请,并努力确保ACTFL理事会在语言方面代表电子下注软件, levels, regions, and other factors related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as outlined by ACTFL’s Strategic Plan.


Read Board of Directors position descriptions and expectations.

ACTFL Members who wish to apply for candidacy should:

  1. Complete the form below. 请注意,您必须登录到您的电子下注软件帐户才能查看和完成申请.
  2. 从三个不同的角度(如同事)提交三(3)份支持声明(书面或视频), supervisors, parents, students, community partners, state organizations, regional organizations, 和/或其他ACTFL成员组织-证明你的领导能力. **For President-Elect submissions, 至少有一封信应该直接谈到候选人在ACTFL的领导经验.** 请保持信函不超过两页,视频不超过2分30秒. Statements or videos can be in the language of their choice. 我们鼓励您与撰写支持声明的人分享适当的标题(见下文的标题)。.
  3. Submit an abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (limit three (3) pages).


注:如果您希望提名委员会找人申请,请填写 this form and the Committee will contact that person.

Please Note: 领薪水或有其他补偿(津贴或酬金)的国家雇员, regional, or national associations, 营利性组织和公司没有资格被提名为ACTFL董事会的当选职位或当选总统.

Next Steps:


研究表明,女性和来自代表性不足群体的人通常只有在100%符合要求的情况下才会申请职位. 我们认识到,任何人都不可能100%满足一个职位的要求. 如果发布的职位描述大部分描述了你,那么我们鼓励你申请!

请填妥以下网页表格,以成为香港ACTFL候任主席或董事会成员提名人. 以下职位将于2024年填补:当选总统(高等教育), two (2) K-12 at-large members, and two (2) Higher-Ed at-large members.

您必须登录到您的电子下注软件帐户才能查看和提交申请. Please note您可能需要压缩视频或降低分辨率,以确保它们不超过大小限制. 由于文件的数量和大小,上传可能需要一段时间,请耐心等待.

Please note: 由提名委员会选出的申请人提交的视频将用于10月份的在线投票.


Please submit a video. 可接受的视频格式包括:AVI、MOV、OGG、WAV和MP3. 视频长度不超过2分30秒,不超过200mb.

At least one of the next responses must be written in English. The others may be written in the language of your choice. Please spell out any acronyms the first time you use them.

Leadership Experience

Please submit a statement (250 word limit).

250 words left

Please submit a statement (250 word limit).

250 words left

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:

Please submit a statement (250 word limit).

250 words left

Challenges to the Profession:

Please submit a statement (250 word limit).

250 words left

President-Elect Candidates Only

候任总统候选人只需要完成关于ACTFL策略计划的最后一个问题. All other candidates please do not complete.

请提交不超过两页的书面陈述或不超过两分钟的视频, 30 seconds (max files size 140 MB, acceptable video formats include: AVI, MOV, and MP3). Statement or video can be in the language of their choice.

请提交不超过两页的书面陈述或不超过两分钟的视频, 30 seconds (max files size 140 MB, acceptable video formats include: AVI, MOV, and MP3). Statement or video can be in the language of their choice.

请提交不超过两页的书面陈述或不超过两分钟的视频, 30 seconds (max files size 140 MB, acceptable video formats include: AVI, MOV, and MP3). Statement or video can be in the language of their choice.
